Slim profile tie clip for men with sleek design and minimal appearance -Mini Silver Shark Skin Tie Bar

Title Mini Silver Shark Skin Tie Bar
Material Rhodium Plating
Color Silver

Covered with overlapping, spiny scales, shark skin is termed dermal denticles because of their structural similarity to teeth. These denticles have a plate-like base supporting a main body composed of dentine with an enameloid capping and a central pulp cavity. The denticles function to protect the shark and to reduce frictional drag. The apex of the denticles points toward the tail which is why a shark feels relatively smooth when stroked from head to tail, but rough with a sandpaper texture when stroked in the opposite direction. Sharks use their gills to filter oxygen from the water.

The Mini Silver Shark Skin Tie Bar was designed to take class and elegance to the next level. With its shark skin like features and jazzy shade of silver it is truly overflowing with finesse style. No doubt while wearing this matchless piece your sleekness will prevail just like how it should be.

This tie bar will cover roughly 3/4 width of our and the full width of our .


Length of Tie Bar: 3.8 cm

Colour: Silver

Product Code: 1095-TB


Material: Rhodium 


Style : Clip-on