Personalized tie clip with date engraving for special occasion remembrance -Sand Tiger Shark Tie Bar

Title Sand Tiger Shark Tie Bar
Material Rhodium Plating
Color Red

Also known as gray nurse sharks, Sand Tiger sharks have a deceivingly ferocious look. They are large-bodied and display a mouthful of sharp teeth that protrude in all directions, even when the mouth is shut. Known to attack humans only when bothered first, sand sharks are docile and non-aggressive species. It is brownish gray with rust-colored spots on top and white underneath. They have a flattened, cone-shaped snout and a distinctive, oblong tail with a notched, upper lobe that is significantly longer than the lobe below. It has one of the lowest reproduction rates of all sharks and is susceptible to even minimal population pressure Although this species is widespread and is not widely fished for food, for this reason, it is listed as vulnerable and is protected in much of its range.

To embody the quality of being rare, the Sand Tiger Shark Tie Bar was created. Its versatile shade and unique design were combined to make a commotion and amusement who’ll have a glimpse of your gear. Through this, there's no other ideal than the Sand Tiger Shark Tie Bar. 

This tie bar will cover roughly 3/4 width of our and the full width of our .


Length of Tie Bar: 5.1 cm

Colour: Antique Copper, Red

Product Code: 1115-TB


Material: Rhodium 


Style : Clip-on