Classic round tie clip for men with subtle engraving and elegant design -Silver Albatross Duck Tie Bar

Title Silver Albatross Duck Tie Bar
Material Rhodium Plating
Color Silver

Because of their tameness on land, many albatrosses are known by the common names' mollymawk (from the Dutch for “foolish gull”) and gooney. Being able to stay aloft in windy weather for hours without ever flapping their extremely long, narrow wings, Albatrosses are among the most spectacular gliders of all birds. In calm air an albatross has trouble keeping its stout body airborne and prefers to rest on the water surface. Like other oceanic birds, albatrosses drink seawater. Although they normally live on squid, they also are seen to accompany ships to feed on garbage and they only come ashore only to breed. This activity occurs in colonies that are usually established on remote oceanic islands, where groups and pairs exhibit mating behavior that includes wing-stretching and bill-fencing displays accompanied by loud groaning sounds.

The Silver Albatross Duck Tie Bar will elevate your outfit by giving it a boost of beaming shade of silver and design flourish that will add attitude to your attire. Feel empowered knowing that the mighty albatross is hanging on your tie and get that delightful confidence that can only come from a true sleek gentleman.

This tie bar will cover roughly 3/4 width of our and the full width of our .


Length of Tie Bar: 5 cm

Colour: Silver

Product Code: 1118-TB


Material: Rhodium 


Style : Clip-on